Henri Leblond forms a genealogy group in the LeFoyer Club
In March of 1977, the LeFoyer Club held a dinner meeting and invited Lucille Legasse, then president of the American-Canadian Genealogical Society in Manchester, New Hampshire, to address the group about French Canadian genealogy research. It was a way to “test the waters” to determine the extent of the interest in a genealogy club. The response was very positive. Over the next several months, a 10-member steering committee was formed to develop a draft constitution and by-laws. Temporary officers were elected: Henri Leblond, Chair; Robert Quintin, Vice-Chair; and Robert Goodreau, Secretary.

The AFGS constitution and bylaws are drafted.
In March of 1977, the LeFoyer Club held a dinner meeting and invited Lucille Legasse, then president of the American-Canadian Genealogical Society in Manchester, New Hampshire, to address the group about French Canadian genealogy research. It was a way to “test the waters” to determine the extent of the interest in a genealogy club. The response was very positive. Over the next several months, a 10-member steering committee was formed to develop a draft constitution and by-laws. Temporary officers were elected: Henri Leblond, Chair; Robert Quintin, Vice-Chair; and Robert Goodreau, Secretary.
The American French Genealogical Society is founded
On January 28, 1977, the first “official” meeting of the LeFoyer genealogy group was held. An election of officers took place, and the constitution and by-laws were approved. Within a month, the club already had 80 members. However, Henri Leblond, the club’s founder, and first president, realized that to produce enough funds to develop a research library without having to continuously ask the LeFoyer board for money, it might be better to form a separate non-profit organization with its own members and dues. In April 1978, Henri Leblond announced that the genealogy club name would be the American-French Genealogical Society and would be housed at the LeFoyer Club. Leblond also designed the Society’s logo, which is still in use today. By the fall of 1978, the AFGS had over 200 members from across New England and Canada. In October 1978, the Society’s quarterly newsletter, Je Me Souviens, was introduced.

AFGS holds its first genealogy conference
Interest in genealogy continued to grow, and by the spring of 1979, the AFGS held its first two-day conference. Guest speakers were featured, and admission was just $2.00. It was so successful that a second conference was held the following year. The research “library on wheels” continued to grow. Members donated funds to purchase specific repertoires, and there were fundraising events to buy more books. The library was open on Tuesdays in the LeFoyer banquet hall. Because LeFoyer rented the hall for wedding receptions and other events, the books had to be put away at the end of the evening on Tuesdays. The holdings were stored in cabinets on wheels that could be easily rolled in and out of closets.

The AFGS relocates to Woonsocket
As the end of the 1980s approached, it became apparent that AFGS would soon need to find larger quarters for its ever-growing library. The opportunity arose to rent 3,000 square feet of space in the lower level of the First Universalist Church in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. At the time, the board of directors believed it would be more than adequate to house the library with room to grow over the years. On Thanksgiving weekend in 1989, the books and other materials were loaded into cars and driven to Woonsocket. Donated shelving was put up, and the Society’s new home was set to reopen. The same issue that the AFGS experienced at LeFoyer was happening again. Space was becoming an issue by the end of the century. Moving to new quarters would not be as easy as tossing books in the trunk of a few cars and setting up elsewhere. The AFGS had a vast library of resources, and to move them professionally would cost over $10,000.
A capital campaign to purchase a permanent home
In 2000 the board of directors voted to establish a building campaign with a goal of raising $300,000. The board at the time thought $300,000 would be sufficient to buy a building with enough space to house the library and have enough room for future expansion. The membership generously responded to the campaign; many pledged funds over several years; others donated large sums outright. Within six years, the Society raised over $250,000.
AFGS purchases the First Universalist Church
In 2006, rumors were spreading that the First Universalist Church, our landlord, was going to close its doors due to the shrinking number of members in its congregation. In early 2007, the church board of directors advised us that the church would close in a few months. Fortunately, the AFGS board had asked the church board for the right of first refusal to purchase the building should the church decide to close its doors, and the church elders agreed. Because AFGS had been in the building since late 1989, the board of directors knew the building’s issues (leaky roof, old carpeting, energy conservation, etc.). An amicable negotiating session was held between both boards. The result: AFGS purchased the building for $100,000 cash.

The renovations begin
AFGS now had a permanent home, but as we expected, the work was only beginning. We grew from a 3,000-square foot room in the lower level to 19,000 square feet on three levels. The Society’s building fund committee became the building maintenance committee. Since the Society acquired the building in 2007, several foundation and legislative grants and in-kind donations have enabled the Society to accomplish extensive updates, including roof replacement, new windows, a new heating system, masonry repair, new carpeting, brighter LED lighting, and several larger renovations including accessible restrooms. Our building is nearly 100 years old, so there will always be a little TLC needed.

AFGS adds a new wing to the library
September 20, 2015- The society cuts the ribbon on a new library wing in what was the former church dining room across the hall from the main library room. This addition was made possible through the generous financial support of our members.

The Franco-American Heritage Center is accessible to all.
In December 2016, AFGS was awarded a matching grant from the Rhode Island Historic Preservation and Heritage Commission to install an elevator in our building. The Society was required to raise a $150,000 match. . The board of directors is committed to strategically planning the future. Many genealogical research sites are popping up on the Internet. AFGS will keep working to remain a leader in French Canadian genealogical and historical research.

AFGS expands the use of video technology
The COVID 19 pandemic combined with the substantial increase in the number of new members from across the United States and Canada resulted in the Society’s expanded use of video technology. This provides the opportunity for members unable to visit the library to participate in our programs and service.