American-French Genealogical Society (AFGS) DNA Project

Genetic Genealogy is the use of DNA testing to aide traditional genealogical research. It is the most accurate research tool for the family historian. It does not replace good research, but testing can:

  • Determine if two people are related
  • Determine if two people descend from the same ancestor
  • Find out if you are related to others with the same surname
  • Prove or disprove your family tree research
  • Provide clues about your ethnic origin

Ordering Page on

FamilyTreeDNA is offering AFGS members occasional discounts for DNA tests. By placing your order at the American-French Genealogical Society (AFGS) ordering page, you help the society earn money.


FamilyTreeDNA is the world leader in Genetic Genealogy.

Since its inception in April of 2000, they have been constantly developing the science that enables genealogists around the world to advance their family’s research. Family Tree DNA works in association with a scientific advisory board and the University of Arizona Research Labs. The Arizona Research labs are led by Dr. Michael Hammer, one of the world’s leading authorities in the field of Genetics.

The Largest DNA Database – As of June 2, 2017, we have a total of 878,834 records!
9,535 SURNAME PROJECTS  ~  616,871 Y-DNA records ~ 261,963 mtDNA records

Family Tree DNA Website also has information including: Genetic testing to answer your genealogy questions, test descriptions, customer’s comments & testimonials, FAQ & tutorials, certificates and reports, common misconceptions about DNA privacy, understanding DNA, understanding haplogroups, genetic genealogy tutorials, audio and video resources, recommended books and videos, mtDNA frequently asked questions.

Also available is a newsletter – Facts and Genes, now in its eighth year of publication. Facts & Genes provides valuable information about utilizing genetic genealogy and keeps you informed about the latest advancements in the field. The World’s Only Newsletter Dedicated to Genetic Genealogy


FamilyTreeDNA and AFGS Surname, Lineage and Geographical Projects

Please consider joining the American-French Genealogical Society DNA Project as they are designed to help individuals who may have similar ancestry connect with one another. You should consider participating in AFGS’ project if:

• You are looking for relevant matches.

• You are interested in comparing against others.

• You are open to sharing information and working together.

AFGS and FamilyTreeDNA encourage customers’ participation in projects. Membership is free and voluntary.