About the Film Room

The Film Room contains almost 7,000 microfilms and some microfiche on file for your viewing.

Our collection includes the prestigious Drouin Institute microfilm and others listed in the Film Room Holdings section. We have microfilm and microfiche readers available. We a have a high-resolution scanner and printer to make copies of the documents. The documents are considered a primary source record.

As a Family History Affiliate, AFGS members can view more records on familysearch.org at the AFGS library than is available on home computers.

The Film Room Request Copy Service allows members and non-members to request a copy of births, marriages and deaths from the vital records of Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont for a small fee. We also offer copies of births and marriages from the Rhode Island church microfilms. Email  research@afgs.org for more information.

Film Room Request Copy Service

It may be difficult to visit the AFGS library to access some of the information we are now showing in the searchable indexes. The Film Room Copy Request Service will provide copies of obituaries, headstone pictures, copies of birth, marriage or death records from one of the microfilms for a fee. This service is available to AFGS members and non-members alike. AFGS has microfilm of vital records including RI, MA, VT and NH. AFGS owns the original Drouin Microfilm Collection of the Canadian records from 1606 to 1940.

We also have a large obituary collection containing 116,000 photos from between 1987 and 2018 covering RI, MA, CT, NY and Quebec.


Vital Records Birth Marriage and Death Info Fees (price per copy)
Rhode Island Birth: 1852 – 1905
Marriage: 1852 – 1905
Death: 1852 – 1955
Members: $10
Non-Members: $15
Massachusetts Birth: 1841 – 1915
Marriage: 1841 – 1915
Death: 1841 – 1915
Members: $10
Non-Members: $15
New Hampshire Birth: 1640 – 1900
Marriage: 1640 – 1900
Death: 1640 – 1915
Members: $10
Non-Members: $15
Vermont Birth: 1741 – 1941
Marriage: 1741 – 1941
Death: 1741 – 1941
Members: $10
Non-Members: $15
Canada – Drouin Collection Birth/Baptism: 1608 – 1935  Some up to 1943
Marriage: 1608 – 1935  Some up to 1943
Death/Burials: 1608 – 1935   Some to 1943
Members: $10
Non-Members: $15

Note: Ontario 1835-1967. Some records to 1977.

Please note the following:

• The form below is for requesting a copy of a specific document or pictures. All documents must have the name, month, year and place. Without this information, your request is considered research. To submit a research request, please click here.

Information for New Hampshire and Vermont is much more difficult to find and is reflected in the costs.

• All documents will be sent via email payment is received.

• Payment may be made by check or credit card. Payment outside the US must be paid by credit card only.

Email questions to research@afgs.org or call AFGS at 401-765-6141.

Film Room Copies Request Form

(If Applicable)

Birth Information

Birth Request expanded review?

Marriage Information

Marriage Request expanded review?

Death Information

Death Request expanded review?
0 of 600 max characters
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Film Room Holdings

The Drouin Institute of Montreal copied parish records, both Catholic and non-Catholic, including some Indian missions. The time span covers the founding of parishes to 1940 when the institute microfilmed the records. The collection contains 2,455 reels of microfilm, which includes millions of individual records.

This historical collection contains the following:

• Baptisms, marriages, and death records for the entire Province of Quebec.

• Baptisms, marriages and death records for those areas of Ontario, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia known to be predominantly French-Canadian.

• Notarial acts, such as marriage contracts, wills, deeds, and other legal documents for the Province of Quebec.

• Vital statistics and census records for miscellaneous states

Canadian Newspapers
These newspapers, from the Montreal and Quebec provinces, cover the years of 1764-1862 and are in English and French. The Seven Years’ War ends with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on February 10, 1763. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America to Britain in 1763 after the Seven Years’ War. The first edition of The Quebec Gazette / La Gazette de Québec was on June 21, 1764.

Canadian Census Records
Canadian census records cover the years 1861, 1871, 1881 and 1891. The collection is incomplete.

Census of Quebec
The entire 1871 census including many schedules which give important information about Quebec citizens of this time period.

State census records 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870. Death index to 1950 and Death film records to 1955.

Fabien File
This two-part collection has 250,000 records covering the 17th century to the mid-1800s. Part 1 covers Hull, Gatineau, Pontiac, Buckingham, LaPetite Nation, Eastern Ontario and Northern Ontario. Part 2 covers families from Quebec and Prince Edward Island.

Hard to Find Drouin Marriages
Nearly one million marriages that were researched at the Drouin Institute and were not included in the Female or Male collections.

Loiselle File
Marriages from Quebec, Madawaska County in New Brunswick, Manchester, N.H. and Hillsboro County, N.H. These records cover 1641-1963. Brides and Grooms are listed alphabetically. Most, but not all of the entries are typewritten. The alphabetical order of the cards is only approximate. The parishes covered are listed at the beginning of each film.

Film from miscellaneous Louisiana parishes.

State census records 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870.

Civil records from the Massachusetts state archives and from LDS. Birth index and records 1841-1910, marriage index and marriage records 1841-1910, death index and records 1841-1910, delayed birth, marriage, death 1839-1900.

State census records 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870.

New Hampshire
Civil records purchased from LDS. Births, marriages, brides index, death, 1640-1900 and divorces 1640-1938.

State census records 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870.

Ontario Marriages
Beginning in 1863 and ending in 1911.

Rhode Island
These are civil records purchased from LDS. Birth 1852-1900, marriages, 1853-1900, death index 1853-1950, deaths 1853-1955, delayed birth returns, out of town deaths 1905-1943 [includes an index]. Death returns from East Providence 1872-1921, miscellaneous cemetery records and birth returns from East Providence miscellaneous years.

Rhode Island parish records contains baptisms, marriages, along with some first communion and confirmation records.

State Census Records 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870

Rivest File
Marriage records for the Notarial districts of Joliette, St-Jerome, Mont-Laurier and Sorel – all in Quebec. It covers the 17th century to 1972. The index is arranged first alphabetically by the surname of the bride. Under the surname of the bride, the index is arranged alphabetically by the surname of the groom. A section for anonymous names is located in the “A” section and is arranged alphabetically by the surname of the groom. This section includes all those marriage entries for which there is either no surname or no name for the bride. If either the bride or groom is widowed, the record of the marriage will indicate the name of the previous spouse. Most entries are handwritten.

This three-part collection was purchased from the State Archives of VT. Part One: births, marriages and deaths from the start to 1870 Part Two: births, marriages, deaths from 1870-1908 Part Three: birth marriages, deaths from 1909-1941.

State census records 1840, 1850, 1860, 1870.

Alphabetically by the surname of the groom. A section for anonymous names is located in the “A” section and is arranged alphabetically by the surname of the groom. This section includes all those marriage entries for which there is either no surname or no name for the bride. If either the bride or groom is widowed, the record of the marriage will indicate the name of the previous spouse. Most entries are handwritten.