Schedule a Group Visit

AFGS can schedule visits for groups in advance. If you have a group of 5 or more people, please contact us below or email us at so we can prepare for your visit.

• If your group will be conducting research, we would like to know the level of expertise your group has so that you can get the most from your visit. We will arrange to have some volunteers on hand to help you find the right resources and teach you about genealogy research if needed.

• If you have a large group, we will be happy to schedule a visit to our library during a time when we are not scheduled to be open to the public and arrange volunteers to assist you.

• If you have a group that has educational goals, such as Boy Scouts striving to complete a badge requirement or a history class looking at French-Canadian immigration, we will prepare a program specific to your needs.

• If you are on a tour of the French-Canadian organizations and historic sites throughout New England, we can fit a visit to our research library into your schedule.

• If you have special needs for your visit, please let us know.

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.
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